Thursday, November 28, 2019

John Browns Raid On The Federal Armory At Harpers Ferry, Virginia, In

John Brown's raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, In October 1859, involved only a handful of abolitionists, freed no slaves, and was over in two days. Although many Northerners condemned the raid, by 1863 John Brown had become a hero and a martyr in the North. The views about John Brown expressed in the documents illustrate the strained relationship between the North and South before the civil war(1859-1860) and the severely crippled relationship after the civil war. In 1859 before the Civil war the Northern-Southern relationship was strained with such laws as the Kansas-Nebraska act, 'legalizing' slavery through popular soveirgnty in the territories, and the Dredd Scott decision practically legalizing slavery in any territory(without popular sovereignty). Soon after John Brown's famous raid, Northerners condemned him(Doc. A) for combating a 'great evil'(Slavery) in an 'unfit way'(through fighting), They said this because it was unconstitutional to fight without going through the government and there are other ways to get rid of slavery. This basically was a last ditch effort to save the south from succeeding from the union and to hold the thread that was holding the relations of the North and South together. By 1860, the dreaded election of 1860 was here and the Civil war would soon start due to the 'Railsplitter' Lincoln winning the election. Views of John Brown in the North were gaining more momentum as he became more popular(Doc. D). More Northerners began to feel it that John Brown had done it the right way. The Democrats at this time were using tactics to use John Brown against the Republicans that were for it, this failed and showed that most northerners were with John Brown all the way(Doc. E). He began to be more like a martyr in the north toward the end of 1860(Doc. F). When Lincoln was elected the South immediately succeeded and the Civil war began shortly after. During the Civil War John Brown rose to Hero and Martyr status and a famous song of the civil war was pledged to him(Doc. G). In Conclusion, the views of John Brown between 1859-1863 clearly showed how the North-South relationship was hanging on a thread and was cut as John Brown became more famous between these periods and into the Civil War.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

House Centipedes, Scutigera coleoptrata

House Centipedes, Scutigera coleoptrata Put down that newspaper! House centipedes look like spiders on steroids, and your first reaction to seeing one might be to kill it. But scary as it may seem, the house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata, is really quite harmless. And if youve got other pests in your home, its actually doing some good. What Do House Centipedes Look Like? Even people who appreciate bugs can be startled by a house centipede. A fully grown adult may reach 1.5 inches in body length, but its many long legs make it appear much larger. The last pair of legs on a female house centipede is elongated and may be twice as long as the body. The house centipede is light yellow-brown in color, with three dark longitudinal stripes down its body. Its legs are marked with alternating bands of light and dark. House centipedes also have large compound eyes, which is unusual for centipedes. Although the house centipede does possess venom, it rarely bites anything larger than itself. If you are bitten by  Scutigera coleoptrata,  you arent likely to suffer much pain.  Do take care to clean the wound to prevent a secondary infection. How Are House Centipedes Classified? Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass - ChilopodaOrder - ScutigeromorphaFamily - ScutigeridaeGenus - ScutigeraSpecies - coleoptrata What Do House Centipedes Eat? House centipedes are skilled hunters that prey on insects and other arthropods. Like all centipedes, their front legs are modified into poison claws used to inject venom into their prey. Within your home, they provide efficient (and free) pest control services for you, as they feed on silverfish, firebrats, cockroaches, carpet beetles, and other household pests. The House Centipede Life Cycle Female house centipedes can live as long as 3 years and produce between 35 and 150 eggs during their lifetimes. The first instar larvae have only four pairs of legs. Larvae progress through 6 instars, gaining legs with each molt. Although it has its full complement of 15 pairs of legs, the immature house centipede will then molt 4 more times to reach adulthood. Interesting Behaviors ofHouse Centipedes The centipede makes good use of its long legs. It can run at alarming speeds –the equivalent of over 40 mph in human terms. It stops and starts quickly, which can make even the most diehard arthropod enthusiast squeal with fright. This athleticism isnt meant to scare you, though, the house centipede is simply well-equipped to pursue and catch prey. Just as their speed helps them capture prey, it also enables the centipede to escape predators. If a predator does manage to grab a leg, the house centipede can shed the limb and flee. Strangely, the house centipedes detached leg will continue to move for several minutes after its owner has left the scene. House centipedes continue to molt as adults and will regenerate lost limbs when they do. Where DoHouse Centipedes Live? Whether it lives outdoors or in, the house centipede prefers cool, damp, and dark locations. In a natural habitat, it can be found hiding under leaf litter or hidden in shady crevices in rocks or tree bark. In human dwellings, house centipedes often inhabit basements and bathrooms. In northern climates, house centipedes remain indoors during cold months but may be seen outside from spring to fall. The house centipede is thought to be native to the Mediterranean region, but Scutigera coleoptrata Is now well-established throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. Sources: House Centipedes, Entomology Dept., Penn State University. Accessed online June 3, 2014.Species Scutigera coleoptrata - House Centipede, Accessed online June 3, 2014.House Centipedes on the Move, Whats Bugging You?, Dr. Arthur Evans. Accessed online

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Civil Engineering Consulting in Project Development Essay

Civil Engineering Consulting in Project Development - Essay Example For any project, the importance of various consultants will differ in different stages. During the inception and feasibility, the importance of Quantity Surveyor is very crucial. He manages all the costs relating to the project. He will be responsible to prepare early stage budgets and detailed cost plans including repair and maintenance and to check whether the project is feasible. He will also be responsible to bring in systems into the projects which will include control systems, allocation of work to the subcontractors and he will also be doing the job of preparing tenders and will involve himself in the negotiation process to make sure that the budgets are not exceeded. His work will be continuing throughout the project with valuing the finished work and arranging for the payments. ( The Landscape Architect comes into the project along with the Quantity surveyor. He is the one who creates a useful and attractive outdoor environment. ( will be the person who will plan and design the land areas for all the projects. They make topographic surveys. These surveys show the height of the land, the exposure to the wind, height of the land at different points and the traffic etc and make recommendations on the proper use of land. He then produces the detailed drawings so that the project gets its shape. ( Their work is also involved in the final stages of completion. The Architects along with the Landscape architects stays right from the site selection until the completion of the project. He involves himself in designing new buildings and made plans for the other places around the buildings. He will involve himself with the discussions with other members so that's the necessary designs can be obtained which complies with all the safety requirements. Right from consulting about the designs, preparing the design proposals, he will advise the client on the practicality of the proposed project. He will make detailed drawings based on the budget and time frames specified. Based on these drawings only, the costs of the projects are made. He will be responsible to make site visits and check whether the project's progress is within the specified time scale. Any design problems during defect inspection, which arises during the project will be taken care of by him. ( The civil engineer is the main person for any project. These engineers are responsible for many daily activities. The civil engineer will analyze the proposed site location as well as the entire construction job and ensure that the plan fits the location. They write the detailed reports and figure out what needs to be changed and modified and with proper approval, finalize it and check whether the changes are made. He will follow the project right from the initial stages and will ensure that the procedure is being followed based on the safety measurements. The civil engineer is the key contact person for any construction project and he will answer the questions by people involved in the project. They have to follow all the rules and regulations carefully as the project might get stalled at any point it's not complying with the same. So his role is very crucial. (

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tesco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Tesco - Essay Example The personal details play a crucial role as the company can be able to link them with the purchases made in the stores. Such strength indicates that the company values their customers since they inquire for personal details about the customers. Another significant strength of Tesco lies in its workforce; the employees of the organization tend to be friendly and treat the customers warmly (John 2004, p. 105). The global reach of Tesco can also be regarded as a remarkable strength of the company; Tesco has its stores spread all over several countries, and this can be regarded as a significant achievement. The spread of the stores enables the organization to secure large customer base compared to its competitors. Reasonable prices can also be regarded as strength of Tesco; this makes the customers to flock the stores of the organization (John 2004, p. 110). Offering best and affordable prices have been central to the organization’s success. The success of Tesco can be attributed to its strengths in terms of the wide range of products dealt with by the organization. The organization spread its products to include consumer products such as CD players, music players, computers, as well as other products such as hot cakes. ... products, which may expire; for example, products such as fruits, vegetables, salads, and sandwiches have to be sold before the expiry date (John 2004, p. 113). A look at the opportunities of Tesco indicates that the company has embraced the use of new technology in its operations. Tesco has seized the opportunities accorded by new technology as the company has adopted mass customization as a marketing strategy. The organization also offers both online and in-store shopping; therefore, customers can purchase the commodities they want at the comfort of their homes. The organization also gets favored by the EU laws due to its notable presence in the UK (John 2004, p. 118). One of the threats of the organization stems from the competition by companies such as Wal-Mart and Sainsbury. The company also faces the threat of venturing in new markets where other competitors might have established a strong market base. Possible Solutions In order to counter the challenges faced by the organizat ion, Tesco can adopt several changes in terms of its operations. First, the organization should strive towards improving its marketing plan and making it better than it is. For example, the company can introduce virtual stores, which will enable quick delivery of products to customers. This can play a crucial role in enhancing faster delivery of the products and increasing the organization’s sales (Rothwell 1998, p. 3). Another change that Tesco needs to institute includes looking for reliable suppliers in Denmark who will supply vegetables, fresh fruits, milk, bread, and meat. This stems from the fact that it may be extremely impossible to import such products from the United Kingdom owing to the high costs, which would be incurred by suppliers. Tesco has to adapt to the various demands

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Article review - Essay Example The Department of Labor reported that unit labor costs increased by 1.4% while inflation-adjusted compensation rose to only 0.4 %. The higher rate of increases in productivity relative to the mount in hourly wage indicates that "companies are still able to keep a significant share of productivity gains for themselves and their investors." An implication of this is that companies are able to keep a larger share of their revenue as gross profits which can dampen the possibility of inflation as they allow companies to absorb more costs. However, the article also recognized that as companies have strong pricing power, they are hesitant in absorbing higher input costs but are inclined to pass these costs to consumers. The decline in the number of unemployed is indicative of a strong job market (Whitehouse). The article revealed the interrelation of different macroeconomic variables in the society as well as showed how the economic climate affects the position and decision making of business entities. The concepts such as inflation, productivity, and employment levels which are presently tackled in the class and their relationships are more elucidated and understood in the business article. Theoretically, labor productivity and wages are closely li

Friday, November 15, 2019

Good And Effective Leadership Manifestation

Good And Effective Leadership Manifestation INTRODUCTION Leadership is exhibited in almost all stages of life. Everybody in one stage of his or her life has been faced with situations where leadership skills had to be demonstrated. Right from individual families and homes to organisations, institutions and governmental bodies, leadership skills are very much demonstrated. Irrespective of whether one possesses substantial leadership traits or not, there is an inherent need to succeed in a given task. Good leadership is not based on just leading people but it also comes along with different responsibilities and based on how its handled, justifies one as being either a good leader or a bad leader. Effective leadership skills can never be practiced without followers; they are the people who are led to either a success or failure in a particular project. Attitudes of followers are greatly subjected to leadership traits displayed by the leaders and this is backed by the statement made by Hackman and Johnson (2004) that followers prosper under ef fective leaders and suffers under ineffective leaders. (Hackman Johnson, 2000) 2.0. CASE STUDY 1 2.1. Case Summary Joey was previously involved in aviation and believes that, his narration is in a similar fashion to what course aims to achieve by better equipping us for the life of engineers in our chosen industries. Evidence of this has been during the 10th week of course when we discussed CRM (Crew Resource Management). Even though he was not personally involved in this scenario, he believes its an excellent situation to analyse. His case is a classic example of how leadership/teamwork manifestation by the pilots, cabin crew and air traffic controllers and use of teamwork to execute a safe outcome for all concerned when a US Airbus A320 in flight had issues with both of its engines in January last year. As the routine flight was climbing out of the New York area, one by one a flock of birds flew into the path of the aircraft and stopped both the jet engines on the aircraft. The captain (the leader of the aircraft) calmly analysed the situation and he knew that he only had a short time to take a concrete decision. The initial decision taken by the leader was to go back to the airport they came from to try and land there with no engines at all, upon a conversation with his co-pilot (subordinate) it was decided that this would be a very unlikely outcome for success. A further discussion with his other worker gave the suggestion of the possibility of landing in a sighted river close to their spot. 2.2 Leadership manifestation The leadership skill in this situation was demonstrated considering the amount of pressure that the crews were under when the crisis started. On January 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 took off from New Yorks LaGuardia airport for Charlotte, North Carolina. Shortly after takeoff, the plane went through a flock of geese at 3,000 feet and both engines were knocked out. Captain Chesley Sully Sullenberger later said that he felt an adrenaline rush right to his core. As his heart rate increased, he forced himself to ignore the physical symptoms and face the situation. (Cross, 2009) This situation was well handled by the crew following these 6 steps that they received during training to try and resolve a crisis. Step 1: The best defense is a good offence (Cross, 2009): Establish training exercises for the possible crisis, US airways had done this with the crew and so they would have been well prepared for the crisis. The commanding pilot was also a very knowledgeable person on crisis management and knew how to formulate a backup plan in stressful situations as evidence by this statement from him in a post accident interview; One way of looking at this might be that, for 42 years, Ive been making small regular deposits in this bank of experience: education and training, said US Airways Capt. Chesley Sully Sullenberger. And on January 15, the balance was sufficient so that I could make a very large withdrawal. (Couric K 2009) Step 2: Tell me now (Cross, 2009): Communicate to known company a protocol that is what the cockpit crew did when they had the failure. Even though the emergency happened at a low altitude they still had to rigidly follow companys procedures to try and evaluation the aircraft systems and the situation itself Step 3: Rally the team (Cross, 2009): Communicate with the other team members on both the best and worst possible outcomes for the situation. The US air 1549 flight crew discussed all possible alternatives in the approach they would take to try and solve the problem Step 4: Isolate and contain the problem (Cross, 2009): Once the crew identified their plan of attack, they isolated the problem by using the best known knowledge at the time and went through checklists to try and remedy the situation and start the engines so they might be able to get out of the situation. US Airways also focused on the ABCs Assess what the situation is and/or threats are, Balance available barriers using policies, procedures and flows, checklists, automation, external resources, human factors, and knowledge of aircraft handling, Communicate effectively and understand callouts, and Standard operating procedures. (Sullenberger C, 2009) Step 5: Fix it (Cross, 2009): After the accident, the industry and airlines are trying to remedy the situation of bird strikes for the future and also better crew training for water ditching Step 6: Train all team members (Cross, 2009): Remedial action after the accident and the subsequent findings have suggested better precautions and training to try and prevent an occurrence like this happening again. Comparing of the learnt theories to the case study 1 The theories learnt in this course are very relevant to this accident. High risk industries have been littered with tragedies from poor management systems in the past. A good starter for this is the review of CRM from lecture 10 in our course it states that; CRM is a system to achieve safe and efficient flight operations by optimizing the use of all available resources such as equipments, procedures and people. CRM training focuses on mastering knowledge, skills and attitudes related to communications, situational awareness, problem solving, decision making, and teamwork (Ljubo V. and Sutherland B, 2010). The paragraphs below outline how the CRM was successfully implemented in the accident; 2.3.1 Leadership: The captain of the aircraft displayed great composure and guidance during the crisis, he used his previous training to avoid the situation from becoming worse. A classic example of great leadership manifestation was when the aircraft was on the water, he checked inside the aircraft to see if there were any stranded people left on the aircraft after every one had left before he left the aircraft. He also directed the rescue crews to approach and rescue people on the wings first before the people on the life rafts. The third positive leadership trait displayed by the co-pilot was when he went back into the sinking aircraft and located more life jackets for the passengers who had none. 2.3.2 Interpersonal communication: This can be broken down further for this section to include; Communication errors, barriers, cultural influences, listening, coordination (Ljubo V. and Sutherland B, 2010). The above mentioned traits were performed to a high standard in each area this in my opinion was the reason why the outcome of the flight was so successful. 2.3.3 Decision-making: This area of the accident can be further examined with the following factors; Risk assessment, risk management techniques, loss of judgement, deviations (Ljubo V. and Sutherland B, 2010) The aircraft crew did an excellent job in these areas, for example in the risk of assessment the crew were thinking about what was going to be the least risk, landing in the river or the airport they came from? Which ties into risk management they have made a decision so now they must manage the risk of this decision with the appropriate tools to make the outcome successful. Lessons learnt from the course We have learnt that the crew in what could be described as an almost hopeless situation pulled off a miracle to save the crippled aircraft. Kellys Followership Model in CRM mentioned in the slides makes reference to the Exemplary Followers: Assertive and not afraid to challenge; essential to safe efficient ops (Ljubo V. and Sutherland B, 2010), these are the techniques employed by the crew on the aircraft at all times to ensure a successful outcome to the situation. We have also learnt that a calm head and excellent teamwork are essential to solving any impending crisis. It was an integral part of this scenario. We didnt have time to consult all the written guidance, we didnt have time to complete the appropriate checklist, so Jeff Skiles and I had to work almost intuitively in a very close-knit fashion, without having a chance to verbalize every decision, every part of the situation. By observing each others actions and hearing our transmissions and our reports to others, we were a ble to quickly be on the same page, know what needed to be done and begin to do it. (Sullenberger C, 2009) The captain of the aircraft exhibited the big 5 important factors under the personality traits of leadership. The above qualities exhibited by the leader and complimented by the crews superb CRM was the major factor for the successful outcome. Lets further break these points down into a more detailed analysis of the situation; 2.4.1 Neuroticism (emotional stability): The captain of the flight had no time to channel his energies into anxiety; he said he had to mentally control his emotions so he could use his thoughts to fly the plane instead 2.4.2 Extraversion (sociability): Sullenberger used his teamwork skills to communicate the problem with his co-pilot as to what the best action would be to ensure a safe outcome for the flight 2.4.3 Openness to experience (creative, curious): Sullenbergers past history as a aviation accident consultant, a glider pilot and a instructor in human dynamics in aviation all helped him to make the right decision needed for a safe outcome. 2.3.4 Agreeableness (trusting nurturing): This was demonstrated by the fact he let his co-pilot run through the engine relight checklist so he could try and attempt to restore engine power, so in the worst case he would be able to fly the aircraft back to the airport on one engine if they got it restarted. 2.3.5 Conscientiousness (organised dependable): He demonstrated this due to his past employment as a instructor pilot in US airways, which consisted of duties such as testing pilots skills in the simulator and in the aircraft. He was also widely recognised by his peers as an excellent pilot and faithful servant of the aviation industry. Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. (Ljubo V. and Sutherland, 2010) The successful outcome was achieved by the actions of many. Lives were saved due to the experience of a well trained crew (Sullenberger C, 2009). The above two quotes sum up perfectly the Captain and crew of US air flight 1549 in a nutshell. Improvements to Case Study 1 based on learnt theories In light of the accident on the Hudson River, the industry has learnt that they must keep up to date with aircrew training and cabin crew training and the training must be based on one of the most impressive training improvements, Recommendations for new engine certification procedures, emergency checklists, aircraft equipage and pilot training (Croft J 2010). From a leadership point of view the US Government regulator for aviation (FAA) and Airbus, were each criticized for not mandating ditching training in the flight simulator, tougher engine bird strike certification, proper pilot checklists. From a cabin crew point of view deficiencies existed in briefing of passengers and also lack of standardization of equipment in the US airways fleet (some aircraft had life rafts some did not) at the time FAA did not mandate use of life raft on non overwater flights. Apart from the Government leadership issues one of the positives from a leadership point of view was that, the captain turned on the mini jet engine so he could maintain control over the aircraft in the final minutes of the flight. However the negatives of the leadership where he failed to press the ditching button to close the valves so water would not flood the aircraft (but this is a limitation of the human mind in reaction to a rare and stressful situation). Another finding is the fact that, the industry was ill prepared to know how to ditch in water. From a communication and leadership point of view, the question asks What should be done differently as a result of this learning. In my research and opinion from this accident backed up with our theory from the course, they perform a magnificent job of handling the situation from a classic leadership and communication text book point of view and could in the future be a excellent case to study for future generations of leaders in the World. 3.0. CASE STUDY 2 3.1. Case summary: The second case study is of Awais Safder who led his team to complete a task in limited time by convincing the labor force to work over time during winter. This was very crucial for the reputation of the company he worked for since the client requested the project be built on a tighter time schedule. In order successfully meet the target; he placed leadership responsibilities on his sub-ordinates. They did not have to complete it for themselves but for the sake of company. Saving of time was of course saving of money. He did not just finish it on limited time but also saved on cost. Leaders are people who can create significant change in both followers and organisation which they are associated. (Iain Hay,2010) In a project, whoever is the leader must possess a number of characteristics to guarantee progress. To handle such pressure at an early stage of his career was mentally challenging. He was the sole structural site engineer on the building site. He did not only show inspirational skills in propelling the labor force to achieve this task, but also exhibited excellent leadership. 3.2. Leadership Manifestation The leadership manifested in this case was transformational leadership. The leadership traits Awais adopted in that case was focusing on being analytical, devoted, diligent, interactive and sincere, factors that a successful leader must adapt to if he anticipates progressive results. Sometimes however, depending upon the diversity of situations, there may be trade-on and trade-off characteristics in the need for each of the traits. He exhibited sound emotional stability in dealing with problems contemplatively towards the outcome of the project. Leadership skills perceived in solving the problems occurred during the execution of the task. He considered all ideas in addition to further improve his relationship with the followers and having sufficient skill to persuade followers even in case of disagreement. He made them realise that they had to complete this task for the sake of their companys reputation. He listened to their issues, noted their problems and promised them extra remune ration for their extended hours on the site. He also invited supervisors and foremen with whom he initially discussed the procedure of executing the activities and idea of extended hours at work for them. He then discussed the whole situation with Project Manager and explained to him how he was going to complete each activity and assured him of prompt progress on the project. He assured him that if these extra hours of construction were agreed upon, he would negotiate with the steel fixers to help boost moral on the construction site. 3.3. Comparing the learnt theories to the case study The under listed paragraphs gives a vivid illustration on how Awais leadership approaches were analyzed based on the theories learnt in class 3.3.1. Transformational Approach: Standing on the statement made by Hackman and Johnsons, The new leader is one who commits people to action, who converts followers into leaders, and who may convert leaders into agents of change (Hackman Johnson, 2009). His leadership skills was highly portrayed on how he encouraged his followers on the construction site to become leaders is a typical examples. A further example of this can be viewed from the following notes on transformational leadership. The transformational leadership characteristics from his case of study are as follows. Creative: He exhibited creativity at different levels of the task. Since he was the sole engineer at the construction site, he had to come up with different alternatives to execute the given task at a specified time with the steel fixers especially during the winter when at night the temperature fell to -4 ° C. Interactive: He took into account the fact that manpower plays a vital role in the progress of any task. In order to achieve the required goals from them, he was very concerned about their personal issues. He used to go on construction site, watched steel fixers, appreciated their hard work, stayed with them and made some jokes to make their working environment friendlier. Whenever I told them how the company had always taken care of them and provided them with many facilities in the past, they always gave a strong and positive response. To them, it was a give and take affair that is, once their basic needs are attended to, they on their part will do their best in achieving the companys goal. This is also a classic example of how McGregors theory Y is put into play. Visionary: He was issued with the task of completing the project in 13 days. However, he was required by the client to complete it in seven days. He knew this requirement would stretch his time management skills but he employed excellent delegation skills to make sure the project would be completed on time and almost 30% below budget cost. An example of this is a quote from Hackman and Johnson that A vision is a concise statement or description of the direction in which an individual, group, or organisation is headed (Hackman Johnson, 2009). Empowering: During this process he felt it was necessary to give his subordinates the feeling of being on equal footing as himself. He thought that if he treated his workers on the same level as himself he would get a great return from the worker, they will be more motivated and the company would get a great return from the workers. This was evident by the fact that the project was finished in seven days instead of the proposed 13 days. The comment by Hackman and Johnson enforces this great display of leadership, that is, Transformational Leaders know how to give power away and how to make others feel powerful (Hackman Johnson, 2009). Passionate: He worked long hours for the completion of the task allocated to him and to excel his followers too. He believed that his display of immense love and passion towards his work was essential to serve as a motivational factor for his subordinates. This contributed a lot since it encouraged all the followers to put in a similar amount of passion or even more to achieve the set goals. He made funny jokes with his subordinates gave him the chance to get along with them. This in turn increased work production on site because he made his sub-ordinates felt valued. The statement below links him well with the passion component of transformational leadership. Transformational Leaders love their jobs have a great deal of affection for their fellow-workers. (Hackman Johnson, 2009) 3.4. Lessons learnt from the course The lesson learnt from the course further equipped him with better tools to manage a situation like this in a more comprehensive approach in the future. Looking at the course we can use many outstanding theories to better equip us for greater management skills in the future. A further examination of the strategies to his scenario on the construction site are done using Wallas four steps for creative problem solving 3.4.1 Preparation: In his scenario, he acknowledged the problem and tried to weight up the problems with the possible solutions. The best solution he came up with was able to satisfy both the management and employees. 3.4.2 Incubation: After reviewing the situation, his team sat down and deliberated on other alternative solutions to the problem at hand. 3.4.3 Illumination: After the two meeting with his followers, he made it a point to personally deliberate on the issue and the proposed solutions to see the possibly of coming up with a whole different approach based on his knowledge and expertise in that particular issue. 3.4.4 Verification: He would go back to the original people he had a meeting with and discuss again the problems and solutions of the construction site and then finalise with his team on the best solution they should opt for. 3.5. Improvements to Case Study 2 based on learnt theories From the study of this course, we realised that his leadership at the time was sufficient but he could personally improve on it now based on the theories hes learnt from the course. The productive engineer should possess abilities skillful enough to express, recognize problems and understand cultures and atmosphere. Leadership attributes can be further developed by more knowledge and experience. Based on the theories, characteristics of a good engineering leader must comprise of intuitiveness, inspiration, effective communication, individual prosperity and contemplation to function in multi cultural and multi disciplinary teamwork. By following these traits, we can portray our organisation as one with essential technical particulars and leadership dexterities. Even though the target of the project was met, they virtually worked under pressure which will results in the followers strength and capabilities being over stretched and in turn affected productivity. Working under pressure in that adverse weather conditions did not really portray good leadership concern and care for subordinates. Increasing the human resources so that work will be completed in due time with more hands would be a better option than to unnecessarily pressurise the workers with loads of remunerations. Casual workers can thus be hired if the companys resources were not enough to permanent employees. 4.0. CASE STUDY 3 4.1. Case Summary The third case is a task of sensitising all employees of a mine to acquire ISO 14001 EMS Certification. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is the outcome of a successful assessment of a company by an independent third party to ensure that working operations are carried out in an environmentally friendly manner such that there is a minimum impact on the environment. The ISO 14001 certification for AngloGold Ashanti, Obuasi Mines Environmental Management System was carried out as evidence to stakeholders of the companys compliance with the national and international environmental management standards. In this regard, the management of the mine had an essential role to play in developing organisational awareness creation, sensitisation and education by explaining the concepts ISO 14001 to the entire staff and demonstrating their commitments to it before an internal audit by a independent external certification body takes place. The project was a collaborative effort by the entire staff of the mine, but the responsibility of training, awareness creation and sensitisation section of the project was duly handled over to Matilda to adequately manage all resources and logistics to ensure that all employees on the mine are satisfactorily sensitised on the concepts and procedures involved in the certification process. The attainment of the certification to a large extend depended on the understanding of the employees on the concepts of ISO 14001. It was a delicate task involving a whole complex situation considering the capacity of employees and size of the mine with a workforce of over seven thousand employees. It was a great input into her career and her leadership potentials. 4.2. Leadership Manifestation Leading the team on this project was a very bold step in her career as an environmental officer and the challenges faced toughened her for greater works ahead in her life. She manifested a good leadership skill by not ruling her team, but co-ordinating with them to embark on the project. She encouraged her subordinates to make concrete decisions and sorted their opinions on how the sensitisation program was to be run in their respective departments. She decided to train her immediate followers on how to properly organise their department. She believed in the fact that, training them will increase their competence level and make them more responsible. She agreed with the philosophy of John D. Rockefeller quoted in Hackman and Johnson, 2000 as Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people (Hackman Johnson, 2000). The training needs of the followers were based on their level of experience and responsibilities. All training materials, methods and means of evaluation took into account their abilities, literacy, nature of risk associated with their operations and their individual responsibilities. After having decided on the best methods of sensitisation with her followers, she deduced some objectives to get them started and to keep them in the right framework. These were to maintain ISO14001 EMSs Standard in the training Program, to develop better employee education and training on the importance of ISO 14001, Improve communication with stakeholders/interested parties and to verify the conformance of the training efforts to regulatory or organisational requirements A great Leadership skill was manifested in solving the problems faced during the execution of the projects. Her ability to adapt to immediate corrective actions in solving them and getting the task completed made her very competent. Her display of good emotional stability in addressing the issues and taking into consideration the different characters and levels of intelligence contributed immensely to the success of the project. Coming down to the social levels of the followers and making them comfortable despite their social standings was a factor that took all inferiority out of the followers and eliminated all barriers to her position as a the youngest female leader. The challenge of working out of office hours to duly complete the task within the set time before the internal audit added so much to her credibility as a leader since she was perceived as a leader who leads by example and was very passionate with her duties. 4.3 Comparing the learnt theories to case study 3 A critical analysis of the case study based on the theories leant reflects the leadership skills manifested in Matildas case as a combination of most of the leadership approaches. An illustration on how her approaches was analysed based on the theories are discussed below 4.3.1 Trait Approach Interpersonal Factors She was not limited by her gender or age but maintained a good composure and displayed extreme confidence in leading followers who were much older than her with some having higher academic attainments and work experiences than she had. Cognitive Factors Her approaches to handling the challenges and solving problems associated with the project displayed her level of intelligence in her field of study and career. She tactfully handled the issues with due consideration to the followers view points and not unnecessarily discriminating. This attribute was greatly admired by her followers. Personality: Neuroticism (Emotional Stability) Preparation of the training materials with due considerations to the competence and intelligence levels of the followers by eliminating all inferiorities and superiorities was a great way of displaying emotional stability which was a key factor in the program. Extraversion (Sociability): Her socialising approaches with the followers in meeting at clubs or restaurants after office hours, discussing other family and personal life issues broke every tension and gave the followers the edge of contributing their entire quota without feeling intimidated. Openness to experience (Creativity): The different sensitising training materials and approaches such as the use of videos, seminars, gift vouchers, floats, debates and awards of certificates of competence etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ was a very creative approach which helped to adequately send the message across without necessarily bombarding them with endless boring literature. Agreeableness (Trusting): She trusted her followers as being competent enough to lead their respective departments and this was based on the fact that they were adequately trained in all the systems and procedures involved and equally up to the task. Conscientiousness (Organised): The outlined objective established by the leader to keep them in the right framework and to ensure their program followed a guided path displayed her skills as being a well organised leader. Project charters were also used to evaluate the progress of the program. 4.3.2. Situational Approach: The situational approach was duly adopted by Matilda considering the fact that contextual intelligence was very much implemented. The impact of past environmental practices were considered leading to the adaptation of current trends in making concrete commitments to the future trends. The situational approach also recognised and adapted two factors under the Fiedlers contingency model. That is the task structure and team relationship (Hackman Johnson, 2000). The task structure in her case was based on the fact that, all the sensitisation program was subjected to specific procedures, agreed upon outcomes and a comprehensive evaluation of the processes and outcomes. The interpersonal relationship among the team can be classified as a good one as there was harmony in the decision making process and the avoidance of all personal issues that had the potential of marring the established relationship. 4.3.3. Transformational Approach: The leaders interactive nature of communicating with the followers on every detail that needed to be done and on the progress is a proper demonstration of the transformational leadership approach. The act of empowering the followers by adequately training them to become highly competent and encouraging them to participate and be involve in the decision making was an approach that greatly paid off in the project. With due consideration of the workforce of over 7000 people to be sensitised, there was no way of accomplishing the goal if followers were not trained to take up the responsibilities of sensitising the workers and contractors in their respective departments Lessons learnt from the course This course clarifies the fact that every leaders competence and skills are greatly based on the attitude of the followers and the outcome of the specific task being handled. Irrespective of the fact that most people are of the opinions that great leaders are born, this case of leadership skill is a proper demonstration of the fact that leaders are made and not born. This is supported with the statement made by Vince Lombardi in Hackman and Johnson, (2000) that, Leaders are made, not born. They a

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Environmental Crisis Exposed in The World Is Too Much With Us and Gods

Environmental Crisis Exposed in The World Is Too Much With Us and God's Grandeur   In his poem, "The World Is Too Much With Us," William Wordsworth blames modern man of being too self-indulgent.   Likewise, Gerard Manley Hopkins shows how the way we treat nature shows our loss of spirituality in his poem, "God's Grandeur."   We are ruthless by lacking proper appreciation for, being separated from, and abusing nature.    Man lacks proper gratitude for nature.   People often are blind to nature's great beauty.   "It moves us not," says Wordsworth.   Many people never see a sunrise or a sunset because we are too concerned with the hustle and bustle of our tiny worlds to appreciate the opulence around us.   We don't recognize the creation that God has bestowed upon us.   In his poem, Hopkins shows how the Earth is God's creation:   "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." He asserts that God's work is still to be seen in nature.   We don't always realize that we get all of our wealth from nature.   We often forget that "little we see in nature is ours."   Even our bodies are part of nature.  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Bible, it says that we were created from the dust of the Earth.   Full appreciation is not always shown for the Earth, making us cruel to nature.  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many individuals are alienated from nature.   They are separated from nature because of the deep transformation of the landscape.   There are few natural things left in landscape.   "The soil is bare now, nor can foot feel being shod."   Hopkins uses this line to explain how out of touch man is with nature.   We cannot even feel the ground under our feet because of the shoes we wear.   Mankind also fears nature.   We are afraid of   "The winds that will... ...   We are separated from nature, we fear nature, and we mistreat animals.   Man also abuses nature.   We use nature to make money, we overuse nature, and we pollute nature.   Mankind is tremendously callous to the environment.   We must be sensitive to nature or the Earth will become like the world in H.G. Wells' novel, The Time Machine.   It will be filled with frail Eloi.   Underground there will be white, ape-like Morlocks.   Giant crabs will roam beaches, and the only remnant of the world today will be artifacts kept in a Museum of Green Porcelain.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      All should read Hopkins's poem, "God's Grandeur," and Wordworth's poem, The World Is Too Much With Us so everyone will realize the man's responsibility to nature.   If we want our children and grandchildren to enjoy the quality of life we have today, environmental problems must be corrected now.   

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Historical Development of Continental Philosophy’s Existentialism

Historical development of Continental philosophy’s existentialism and phenomenology as a response to Hegelian idealism Absolute Idealism left distinct marks on many facets of Western culture. True, science was indifferent to it, and common sense was perhaps stupefied by it, but the greatest political movement of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries— Marxism—was to a significant degree an outgrowth of Absolute Idealism. (Bertrand Russell remarked someplace that Marx was nothing more than Hegel mixed with British economic theory. Nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature, theology, and even art felt an influence. The Romantic composers of the nineteenth century, for example, with their fondness for expanded form, vast orchestras, complex scores and soaring melodies, searched for the all-encompassing musical statement. In doing so, they mirrored the efforts of the metaphysicians; whose vast and imposing systems were sources of inspiration to many artists and co mposers. As we have said, much of what happened in philosophy after Hegel was in response to Hegel.This response took different forms in English-speaking countries and on the European continent—so different that philosophy in the twentieth century was split into two traditions or, as we might say nowadays, two â€Å"conversations. † So-called analytic philosophy and its offshoots became the predominant tradition of philosophy in England and eventually in the United States. The response to Hegelian idealism on the European continent was quite different however; and is known (at least in English-speaking countries) as Continental philosophy.Mean while, the United States developed its own brand of philosophy—called pragmatism—but ultimately analytic philosophy became firmly entrenched in the United States as well. Within Continental philosophy may be found various identifiable schools of philosophical thought: existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, dec onstruction, and critical theory. Two influential schools were existentialism and phenomenology, and we will begin this chapter with them.Both existentialism and phenomenology have their roots in the nineteenth century, and many of their themes can be traced back to Socrates and even to the pre- Socratics. Each school of thought has influenced the other to such an extent that two of the most famous and influential Continental philosophers of this century, Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 –1980), are important figures in both movements, although Heidegger is primarily a phenomenologist and Sartre primarily an existentialist.Some of the main themes of existentialism are traditional and academic philosophy is sterile and remote from the concerns of real life. Philosophy must focus on the individual in her or his confrontation with the world. The world is irrational (or, in any event, beyond total comprehending or accurate conceptualizing through phi losophy). The world is absurd, in the sense that no ultimate explanation can be given for why it is the way it is. Senselessness, emptiness, triviality, separation, and inability to communicate pervade human existence.Giving birth to anxiety, dread, self-doubt, and despair as well as the individual confronts as the most important fact of human existence, the necessity to choose how he or she is to live within this absurd and irrational world. Now, many of these themes had already been introduced by those brooding thinkers of the nineteenth century, Arthur Schopenhauer (see previous chapter), Soren Kierkegaard, and Friedrich Nietzsche. All three had a strong distaste for the optimistic idealism of Hegel—and for metaphysical systems in general. Such philosophy, they thought, ignored the human predicament.For all three the universe, including its human inhabitants, is seldom rational, and philosophical systems that seek to make everything seem rational are just futile attempts t o overcome pessimism and despair. This impressive-sounding word denotes the philosophy that grew out of the work of Edmund Husserl (1859–1938). In brief, phenomenology interests itself in the essential structures found within the stream of conscious experience—the stream of phenomena—as these structures manifest themselves independently of the assumptions and presuppositions of science.Phenomenology, much more than existentialism, has been a product of philosophers rather than of artists and writers. But like existentialism, phenomenology has had enormous impact outside philosophical circles. It has been especially influential in theology, the social and political sciences, and psychology and psychoanalysis. Phenomenology is a movement of thinkers who have a variety of interests and points of view; phenomenology itself finds its antecedents in Kant and Hegel (though the movement regarded itself as anything but Hegelian).Kant, in the Critique of Pure Reason, argu ed that all objective knowledge is based on phenomena, the data received in sensory experience. In Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind, beings are treated as phenomena or objects for a consciousness. The world beyond experience, the â€Å"real† world assumed by natural science, is a world concerning which much is unknown and doubtful. But the world-in-experience, the world of pure phenomena, can be explored without the same limitations or uncertainties.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Kurt Vonnegut

Imagination What would happen if people could imagine something and it would instantly become reality? Imagine the thought of creating a whole new society where perfect and harmonious social, economical, and political conditions and relationships exist. What would a word without violence, racism, and money hungry people be like? This place would be Utopia. By definition, Utopia is an imaginary place or state where all is perfect. Each individual has his or her own idea for the â€Å"perfect state† of a Utopian society. In essence, no Utopia is ever identically equal. A renowned author in American literature decided to use the theme about writing about Utopian aspects in several of his novels. After publishing his first novel, Player Piano, in 1952, he published several short stories before his release of the 1959 novel, Sirens of Titan (Berggoetz 3). He tackles issues such as higher powers, wars, humans vs. machines, and equality in Sirens of Titan. He compares today’s society and then places suggestions on problem areas in society into his novels. In 1997, Stephanie Bonner had said, â€Å"In the past 47 years, he has become one of the most acclaimed writers of our times† (Bonner 1). Who is this renowned author?: Kurt Vonnegut, of course. â€Å"Kurt Vonnegut is one of the preeminent writes of the later half of the twentieth century. His works are all windows into his mind, a literary psychoanalysis†(Heck 1). Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was born in November of 1922. He was born into a rich family, but live all other families in that time, they had gone through very hard times during the Great Depression. Through high school and then at Cornell University for college, Vonnegut worked on writing and serves as editors for various newspapers. After his thesis was denied and he had had enough of college, he joined the military. He was sent to Germany during the Second World War and was captured in the Battle of the Bulge in Dec of 1944. After a... Free Essays on Kurt Vonnegut Free Essays on Kurt Vonnegut Imagination What would happen if people could imagine something and it would instantly become reality? Imagine the thought of creating a whole new society where perfect and harmonious social, economical, and political conditions and relationships exist. What would a word without violence, racism, and money hungry people be like? This place would be Utopia. By definition, Utopia is an imaginary place or state where all is perfect. Each individual has his or her own idea for the â€Å"perfect state† of a Utopian society. In essence, no Utopia is ever identically equal. A renowned author in American literature decided to use the theme about writing about Utopian aspects in several of his novels. After publishing his first novel, Player Piano, in 1952, he published several short stories before his release of the 1959 novel, Sirens of Titan (Berggoetz 3). He tackles issues such as higher powers, wars, humans vs. machines, and equality in Sirens of Titan. He compares today’s society and then places suggestions on problem areas in society into his novels. In 1997, Stephanie Bonner had said, â€Å"In the past 47 years, he has become one of the most acclaimed writers of our times† (Bonner 1). Who is this renowned author?: Kurt Vonnegut, of course. â€Å"Kurt Vonnegut is one of the preeminent writes of the later half of the twentieth century. His works are all windows into his mind, a literary psychoanalysis†(Heck 1). Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was born in November of 1922. He was born into a rich family, but live all other families in that time, they had gone through very hard times during the Great Depression. Through high school and then at Cornell University for college, Vonnegut worked on writing and serves as editors for various newspapers. After his thesis was denied and he had had enough of college, he joined the military. He was sent to Germany during the Second World War and was captured in the Battle of the Bulge in Dec of 1944. After a...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Guide to a Social Work and Human Services Essay

A Guide to a Social Work and Human Services Essay Writing an essay is often considered to be a dreaded and challenging task among student as it requires from an individual to pay full attention to the activity, gather information and analyze it accurately. Besides, a person will have to express his/her opinion persuasively and find convincing arguments, which will make the topic more interesting for a reader. Although this task is frequently overwhelming and challenging to complete, there is a set of steps a student might follow to break down the essay into several parts and make the task manageable. The following social work essay guide will help to simplify the writing process and draft a successful essay on Social Work and Human Services topics. Choose the Topic: A Few Ideas from Our Academic Writers You might have a topic assigned, or your teacher can provide you with a chance to select the field, which best fits your interests and preferences. If you were given a particular task, it would be a good idea to think over the type of paper, which your professor wants to get. Should you come up with a general overview of a problem or narrow your discussion to a specific analysis? Focus on the keywords in the assignment and identify the type of paper, which you need to submit in this task. If the instructions ask you to analyze an issue and give your opinion on the topic, it is essential to gather more information on the subject and develop your position on it. When the topic is assigned, you can focus on a task and search for the necessary data. Nonetheless, when you have the freedom to choose the question, there is a little more work to do. On the one hand, selecting a topic for an essay might be a challenging task since a student will have to conduct research, carry out an analysis of the field and pick up the problem, which will be exciting both for a writer and his/he audience. On the other hand, it is an excellent opportunity to research the field, which is exciting and relevant to you. That is why it would be a good idea to determine the purpose of your essay and identify what you want to achieve in the end. Does your work aim to interest the target audience, draw people’s attention or persuade them to take your position on the issue? After you identified the primary goal of the work, you may evaluate your options and focus on topics, which will be interesting and intriguing for a reader. It is better to focus on problematic a reas or controversial issues, which are disputable among the public. It will give you more room for discussion and encourage the audience to respond to your arguments. The following list of topics will provide you with a set of ideas, which students might use while writing a Social Work and Human Services Essay: The Legal Framework for Social Work in The United States; Quality Standards of Social Work in Different Regions of the World; New Ways and Techniques for Dealing with Homelessness in the Global Perspective; The Evolution of Human Services Through the Course of History; Early Intervention and Its Impact on The Well-Being of Troubled Families; Inclusive Strategies for Teaching Children with Disabilities; Poverty and Its Effects on the Life of Developing Communities; The Ways to Deal With Racial Stereotypes At US Schools; An Interconnection Between Crime and Poverty; The Role of A Social Worker in Preventing Dropouts, Etc. Research the Topic and Gather Data When you picked up the topic and identified the type of paper, it is vital to look for the necessary information and conduct an analysis. Although your primary task is to expand on the issue and explain your position on the problem, you should be aware of experts’ views and ideas. The research will help you to get a better understanding of the sphere and develop your attitude to the problem. Additionally, you might look for the ways to cope with the issue and come up with your recommendations. It is also essential to use only credible sources for the work. You should identify resources clearly and provide all necessary information about a journal, webpage or a book. For instance, students frequently cite a website without stating the exact hyperlink. A student cannot locate such reference as a market will not be able to check the credibility of the information in the essay. Additionally, it is vital to pay attention to the format of the paper and cite all sources appropriately. Develop an Outline or a Diagram of Your Ideas When you have the topic and all the necessary information, you might have a set of views on the problem. Nevertheless, students might find it challenging to organize their thoughts properly, which will negatively affect the coherence and cohesion of the paper. Therefore, it can be useful to prepare an outline of the ideas, which will help to visualize the essay structure. In such a way, you will see what arguments you have and search for extra information if necessary. Besides, you may group similar ideas and cross out those, which are repeated in the essay. This approach can save your time for editing and provide with an exact outline of the paper. Individuals, who best learn by visualizing the material, will find it useful to draw a diagram, which will demonstrate the main arguments of the paper. Write the topic of the essay and draw up to five lines, which will demonstrate the main ideas of the paper. You might also develop subtopics by drawing lines from the arguments and writing supporting ideas. This method will help to structuralize the work and make it more coherent. How to Draft a Thesis Statement for a Social Work Essay A thesis statement is the most important component of your essay since it demonstrates your point of you and introduces your position to a reader. This sentence usually stands at the end of the introduction and connects it with the main body. To develop a successful thesis statement, a student should look at the main ideas of the paper and develop his/her position on the topic. Of course, it is often hard to develop a particular position while discussing controversial topics. However, you should think of the best way to address the problem and offer your solution. Look through the articles and websites, which will provide you with a set of arguments for and against a particular phenomenon. After that, you can evaluate the options and find the best way to resolve the issue. The thesis statement should demonstrate your point of view or offer a certain solution to a problem. How to Write the Main Body of Your Paper When you have already developed an outline of the paper, it would be easier for you to draft the main body of an essay. Each idea or an argument in your chart will occupy a separate section in your work, which will present a particular idea to a reader. For instance, if you write an essay devoted to the discussion of homelessness and possible solutions to the issue, you might want to discuss financial hardships and the lack of economic empowerment. Begin by writing an introductory sentence for every idea, which will present a certain argument for a recipient. After that, you can provide supporting ideas that will develop the argument. Moreover, you may provide examples to back up your position and motivate people to accept your point of view. For instance, if you have to write an essay devoted to the topic of homelessness, you may speak about the lack of economic empowerment or employment opportunities. These ideas will support your position and provide a solution to an issue. Howev er, you should make sure that all your ideas align with the thesis statement and do not go in contradiction with your opinion on the topic. How to Write an Introduction that Impresses When you have a thesis statement and the main body, it is the time to develop an introduction, which will draw readers’ attention. In this case, you should think about the target audience and their interests in the topic. For example, if you are going to write an essay and read it to your classmates, it would be reasonable to think about the problems, which might attract their attention. It would be an excellent idea to include interesting facts or stories that will introduce an issue to your peers. However, if you are going to hand over the work to your teacher o professor, you should think over his/her expectations to your work: whether an educator wants you to focus on a general or controversial topic. It is a good idea to start with an attention grabber, which could be a quote, shocking facts or an overview of a problem. Whichever method you will choose, ensure that it ties up with your position on the topic and the thesis statement. How to Write a Conclusion This part is a summary of the main ideas presented in the paper. Make sure you restate the main arguments and offer a final perspective on your topic. If you compose a persuasive essay, you should call your readers to action and motivate them to accept your position. For instance, if you argue against discrimination at work, you should motivate reads to fight against injustice and stereotyping. On the contrary, when you provide a particular solution to a problem, you should think of the reasons why your idea should be implemented in the society. Additionally, it is vital to restate your thesis statement since it demonstrates your position on the topic and provides the main insights into the problem, which is discussed in an essay. Your last section should remind a reader about your position and encourage him/her to accept a particular point of view. The following picture demonstrates the structure of an academic essay. A Few Words on References After you completed all the parts and edited the work, you should come to a reference page section. Of course, you have already selected credible sources for your work and researched the topic. Therefore, this stage should not be challenging for a student. You should only cite the sources in the separate section and ensure that you do it following the format of your work: APA, MLA, Chicago or Harvard referencing styles. You should comply with the general requirements to ensure that all sources are cited correctly. Besides, it would be better to avoid the resources, which cannot be supported by credible data or studies, such as Wikipedia or blogs. They will not provide you with useful information and might undermine your reputation in readers’ eyes. That is why it would be better to look for scientific articles in journals or professional websites where you will be able to find the necessary data, which will back up your opinion on the topic. The recommendations above can serve as a guide for students, who want to write an excellent Social Work and Human Services essay, which will impress their professor and draw readers’ attention to the main topic. It is vital to follow the structure and ensure that your idea is communicated in an effective and clear way. For this purpose, you should write a persuasive and inspiring thesis statement, which will introduce the writer’s position on the problem or call readers to actions. Besides, an essay should be motivating and contain the main arguments, which can support the author’s point of view. In such a way, you will be able to present your idea in the best way and shed light on the topic of an essay.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Pitfalls and Prospects in Partnership Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pitfalls and Prospects in Partnership - Article Example This essay will explain and analyze the pitfalls and prospects in Partnership in Probation Programmes for substance misusing offenders. Based on researches crimes are usually committed by those who are under the influence of drugs. The article of Judith Rumgay and Sharon Cowan has presented the effectivity of partnership in the probation programmes. If the probation service is to play significant roles in working with problem drug users, this will inevitably involve more partnership work with drug services. The aim of the article is to present the Pitfalls and prospects in partnership in probation programme for substance misusing offenders. Impact on inter-agency relationships is beginning. Home office directions to probation services are forging financial partnerships with voluntary sector organisations. For the past ten years the probation services has been increasingly working in conjunction with other agencies. The probation services are being pressured to work with criminally involved problem drug users. The Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD, 1991) made specific recommendations about probation service delivery. In addition, the 1991 Criminal Justice Act revised the statutory provision for the treatment of drug- (and alcohol-) misusing offenders within a probation order. The authors report on an ongoing study of partnerships between probation services and substance misuse agencies in England and Wales. Rumgay and Cowan compare the expectations of partnership as revealed in policy and management perspectives with the experience of probation officers and drug/alcohol workers involved in projects at pract ice level. The authors compare the expectations of partnership as revealed in policy and management perspective with the experience of probation officers and drug/alcohol workers involved in projects at practice level. The following differences between successful and problematic partnerships are explored and the question is asked as to how far inter-agency relationships are influenced by the additional factor of financial contracts for the services of voluntary agencies. Statutory and Voluntary agency partnerships in community supervision of offenders are considered with particular reference to issues in compulsion and enforcement. Discussion The involvement of private and public sector in the development of a new probation services is important. The probation service supports and monitors offenders in the community, oversees the implementation of Community Sentences, administers a range of Offender Behaviour Programmes and provides a service to the courts where pre sentence reports are required. It works in partnership with Prison Service, the Police, the Drugs Intervention Programme and the Youth Offending Team and at a strategic level with the local authority and other NGO's. The article provides information on how the service is being rendered to the offender. NGO group such as the staff of voluntary sector housing providers and employment and training agencies are embedded at a local level and there are established links with services specialising in mental health and alcohol. The aim to reduce

Friday, November 1, 2019

Heart of Darkness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Heart of Darkness - Research Paper Example As Marlo and his men continue to travel into the core of Africa they discover that Mr. Kurtz is not the man they expected. Mr. Kurtz is a cruel tyrant who presents himself as a god who is worshiped by the local tribes. Heart of Darkness is about the human condition, it describes how humans can change their values over time and over the environment. It is about human corruption and how the pursuit of wealth and power poisons human values (Conrad, 13). In The Heart of Darkness the black people are hardly people, they are like metaphors for savage primitive man. The European brutalizes and enslaves the Africans. This cruelty is manifested in the novel Heart of Darkness through the Mr. Kurtz. Mr. Kurtz is seen to brutalize, humiliate and enslave the Africans. The Africans worshiped Kurtz as their god; this was brought about by fear. The Africans were mistreated by being forced into hard labor and forced labor. They were enslaved, beaten and even butchered. Mr. Kurtz hanged the heads of the butchered blacks around his homestead. This portrays the high level of imperialism as the activities of the colonialists â€Å"Mr. Kurtz† are inhumane and demoralizing (Youngbirg, 15). In the Heart of Darkness the black people are looked down upon, they are hardly people; they are like metaphors for savage primitive man. The Europeans brutalize and enslaves them regardless of their age, gender and culture. The European imperialism is deceitful as the Africans are lured into forced labor and slavery. All this is done to the benefit of the European people. The Africans suffer in the hands of the colonialists both physically and mentally, some of them are even butchered and their heads are hung in the imperialists’ compound as a sign of showing them how petty and useless they are to be treated like animals. The Europeans in the Heart of Darkness are seen as civilized and informed people. The civilization in the heart